Life Cycle Management

Contact Us
  • Smart Companies Not Only Know Where They Are, but Plan Years in Advance for Where They Are Going.
  • Stage of Growth & Size Are No Excuse for Being Caught Unaware.
  • Stay Ahead of Competition & Enhance Value by Leveraging Your Potential.
  • Keep Your Future Bright and Management, Boards, Shareholders and Bottom Line Happy.

Here Are Some Examples of How We Can Help:

  • Create a Life Cycle Management (LCM) Plan to:
  •  Generate a Patent Narrative integrating key patents/features
  •  Identify new indications/therapies/eligible exclusivities
  •  Identify alternative products for line extensions/enhanced pipelines
  •  Identify new patents/regulatory submissions/arguments to extend exclusivity
  •  Develop early strategies for potential Citizen Petitions
  •  Assess new or additional dosage forms
  •  Consider applicable regulatory exclusivities (including NCI/NCE/PTE/PMA/GAIN Act/Pediatric/Orphan)
  •  Assess/enhance your product's "Effective Exclusivity" - leverage safety/other product features
     rendering it unique ("Complex") and potentially difficult to copy well past expiry of traditional exclusivities
  •  Assess the Generic Challenge and Litigation Potential presented by your product:
  • Identify potential for and hurdles to Generic Design Around of your product patents
  • Identify IP and Regulatory issues and propose fixes
  • Evaluate 505(b)(2) opportunities and threats
  • Evaluate landscape of potential competitive branded/generic products
  • Design/Organize/Implement an LCM Team
  • Effectuate the LCM Plan
  • Create and provide a Summary LCM Plan for Acquirer/Partner Confidential Bid Packages
  • Perform Gap Analysis between where your Company is and where it could/should be

Call or Email Us⁺ - Initial Consultation Free!

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