Gap Analysis

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You Can't Truly Know Where You Are Going, Until You Consider Where You Are & Where You've Been

  • We immerse ourselves in and analyze your:
  • Product(s)
  • Technology
  • Patent Portfolio
  • Regulatory Submissions and Approvals
  • Labeling and Dosage Form Strategies
  • Existing and Potential Regulatory Exclusivities
  • Business Development Efforts 
  • Line Extensions and Life Cycle Management (Lcm) Considerations
  • Litigation Strategies and Positions
  • Citizen Petition Options
  • Vulnerability to Generic Attack and Erosion
  • We evaluate where you are and where we believe you should ideally be
  • We work closely with you to create a Strategic Battle Plan that will help get you there
  • Together, we tailor projects to implement those strategies to meet your needs, timing & budget
  • We also help you:
  •  Ask the right questions about companies and products you wish to acquire
  •  Identify warts/potential shortfalls of products/companies
  •  Make decisions and plan your future with confidence that you have the long view in mind
  •  Receive creative, cutting edge and cost-effective advice, regardless of your size
  •  Help you explain it all to Management, the Board, Investors, your Teams and potential Acquirers and Sellers

Call or Email Us⁺ - Initial Consultation Free!

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